Steinbeis University – Schools of Next PracticesBusiness Schools

Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices


Studienzentrum Berlin
Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices
Franklinstraße 15
10587 Berlin


Studienzentrum Stuttgart
Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices
Filderhauptstraße 142
70599 Stuttgart


Studienzentrum München
Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices
Augustenstraße 10
80333 München
Die Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices (S-Next) ist ein Institut der 1998 gegründeten, staatlich anerkannten Steinbeis Hochschule mit Universitätsstatus. Die Steinbeis Hochschule bietet Studienprogramme im Online-Studienmodell sowie Studienprogramme vor Ort in Berlin und bundesweit über ihre Transfer-Institute an. Alle Studiengänge sind so konzipiert, dass sie bestmöglich mit einer beruflichen Tätigkeit in Einklang gebracht werden können. Neben Bachelor-Studiengängen werden Master- und MBA-Studiengänge angeboten.

Unser Studienkonzept ist geprägt von unseren sogenannten ‚5 circles‘. Sie sind unsere tagtäglichen Treiber: Purpose, Content, Transfer, Metaverse, Sustainability.

PURPOSE. Wir helfen dir dabei deine Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln und dein berufliches Profil zu schärfen, damit du deine Wunschkarriere aufbauen kannst.

CONTENT. Wir vermitteln dir alles, was du im Studienprogramm Deiner Wahl wissen musst, um deine beruflichen und privaten Ziele zu erreichen.

TRANSFER. Wir zeigen dir, wie du Learnings aus deinem Studium transferorientiert in deiner Praxis anwendest, um dir deinen Traumjob zu schaffen.

METAVERSE. Wir arbeiten mit den modernsten Technologien und bereiten dich auf die unvermeidlichen Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt von morgen vor.

SUSTAINABILITY. Nutze deine Fähigkeiten, dein Wissen und unser Netzwerk, um einen Beitrag in der Welt von morgen zu leisten – für eine bessere soziale, ökonomische und ökologische Gesellschaft


MBA Business & Organizational Psychology

This MBA in Business & Organizational Psychology develops skills in diagnostics, organizational consulting, change management, and leadership. It's suited for HR, coaches, and organization developers, focusing on leadership enhancement, critical thinking, and boosting team morale for increased productivity.


MBA Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

Enroll in S-Next's MBA in Business Management, specializing in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence, to access a high-demand field globally,
especially in Germany. This program offers deep insights into data technology, applications, strategies, and data-driven decision-making in business contexts, covering both operational analysis and strategic planning. It also focuses on understanding corporate functions and implementing various tools for complex management challenges, equipping you with the skills for excellent management decisions.


MBA Digital Innovation & Business Transformation

Enroll in S-Next's master's in Digital Innovation & Business Transformation to become a leader in the digital era. This program addresses the
evolving demands of modern life and the critical need for digital transformation in businesses, whether established or startups. Learn to foster a data-driven culture using technologies like AI and Machine Learning, and stay ahead by understanding the impact of digital innovation and economics on business and society, making navigating modern business challenges more manageable.


MBA Digital Marketing

Enroll in the MBA specializing in Digital Marketing for an in-depth understanding of business strategies in the digital realm. This program
explores the business and societal impacts of digital marketing, preparing you to manage digital complexities effectively. It focuses on innovative strategies using technology for impactful marketing and sustainable growth. Ideal for those passionate about digital marketing, it involves market research, innovation, and consumer behavior analysis.


MBA General Management

If you're a professional who has climbed the career ladder without a bachelor’s degree, our one-year MBA program is tailored for you. It offers practical training and vital skills to enhance your business acumen, regardless of your academic background. This program bridges knowledge gaps and strengthens your foundation in management, empowering you with confidence and competence for career advancement.


MBA HR & Change Management

The MBA in HR & Change Management develops leadership in human capital and organizational innovation. Ideal for careers in
organizational consulting and personnel management, it integrates business fundamentals with HR strategies, focusing on strategic workforce planning, value-driven HR, and the psychology of leadership and change.


MBA Management & Innovation

Enroll in the Management & Innovation MBA to embark on a journey in business and innovation, with a focus on nurturing innovation in
organizations. This program equips you with dynamic skills for today's market, teaching adaptive strategies, product innovation, and driving growth. It's ideal for those keen on strategic management, offering insights into market needs, collaborative innovation, and diverse business models, preparing you for global business success.


MBA Sustainable Management

Our master's in Sustainable Management merges business with sustainability, focusing on long-term viability and ESG. It enhances knowledge across sectors and prepares you for sustainable business practices with essential business management skills and sustainability insights.


Bachelor Innovation, Technologie & Digitalisierung (B.A.)

Der Bachelor mit Vertiefung in Innovation, Technologie & Digitalisierung richtet sich an digitale Pioniere, die unsere Zukunft sichern wollen. Du erhältst die notwendigen Inhalte, Methoden und Techniken, um digital innovativ zu sein. So bereicherst du dein Unternehmen durch Innovationsgeist und digitale Kompetenzen – egal, ob es um die digitale Transformation eines klassischen Unternehmens oder die Gründung eines digitalen Start-ups geht.


Bachelor Management & Innovation (B.A.)

Der Bachelor in Management & Innovation qualifiziert dich für vielfältige Karrierewege in unterschiedlichen Branchen, indem er Fähigkeiten vermittelt, um fundierte Managemententscheidungen zu treffen und Handlungsempfehlungen zu entwickeln. Das Studium fördert ein ganzheitliches, unternehmerisches Denken, das nationale und internationale Perspektiven überschreitet.


Bachelor Organisation & Prozessmanagement (B.A.)

Der Bachelorstudiengang in Business Administration mit Schwerpunkt in Organisation und Prozessmanagement lehrt dich, Unternehmen durch effektive Strukturierung und Prozessgestaltung wettbewerbsfähig zu machen. Du erwirbst Kenntnisse in Unternehmensführung, Prozessmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung, um Unternehmensbereiche zu optimieren und Kulturen zu formen.


Bachelor Personalmanagement & New Work (B.A.)

Der Bachelor in Business Administration mit Spezialisierung auf Personalmanagement & New Work qualifiziert dich für Schlüsselpositionen im Unternehmen. Du lernst umfassendes Wissen in Personalaufgaben und effizienten Personalprozessen sowie New Work, die Transformation der Arbeitswelt. Unser Curriculum betont Selbstständigkeit, Handlungsfreiheit, Selbstverwirklichung und Gemeinschaftsteilhabe.


Bachelor Wirtschafts- & Organisationspsychologie (B.A.)

Der Bachelor in Wirtschafts- & Organisationspsychologie vertieft dein Verständnis für menschliches Verhalten in Organisationen, fördert Kompetenzen zur Integration und Motivation in Arbeitsprozessen und schärft das Bewusstsein für das Zusammenspiel von Mensch, organisatorischen Herausforderungen und Marktverhalten.


Master Business Organizational Psychology (M.Sc.)

Steinbeis University's online Master’s in Business & Organizational Psychology merges leadership skills with an understanding of human behavior in business. It prepares you to tackle organizational challenges, enhance team dynamics, and boost productivity through psychological insights. This program is ideal for building resilient leaders and fostering a positive organizational culture.


Master Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

Steinbeis University’s Data Analytics & AI specialization equips you to be a digital transformation leader. Learn to integrate AI and machine
learning into your business strategy, fostering a data-driven culture and setting your company apart in the competitive tech landscape.


Master Digital Innovation & Business Management (M.Sc.)

In today’s digital era, effective content delivery across all channels is essential. Steinbeis University - Schools of Next Practices’ Digital
Marketing degree equips you to harness digital channels professionally, transforming your company’s offerings into future success stories.


Master Digital Marketing (M.Sc.)

Master the art of digital storytelling with Steinbeis University's Digital Marketing specialization. Learn to execute smart, data-driven marketing
strategies, enhance campaign efficiency, and transform your company into a customer-centric hub in the digital realm.


Master HR & Change Management (M.Sc.)

Steinbeis University's HR & Change Management Master’s program focuses on key HR strategies and change management. It combines business management fundamentals with HR expertise, preparing you to lead organizational strategy and adapt to change. The program is tailored for those aspiring to pivotal roles in modern business environments.


Master Management & Innovation (M.Sc.)

Navigate the ever-changing business landscape with Steinbeis University's Master of Science in Business Management, specializing in
Management & Innovation. This program teaches you to drive innovation and stay competitive in a dynamic market, setting new standards and developing effective growth strategies.


Master Sustainable Management

The Sustainable Management specialization at Steinbeis University equips you with strategies for integrating sustainability into business operations. This Master’s program emphasizes long-term viability through environmental, social, and governance practices. It prepares you to lead sustainable transformations in business or launch sustainable ventures, focusing on legal and operational aspects of sustainability.


MBA Business & Organizational Psychology

This MBA in Business & Organizational Psychology develops skills in diagnostics, organizational consulting, change management, and leadership. It's suited for HR, coaches, and organization developers, focusing on leadership enhancement, critical thinking, and boosting team morale for increased productivity.


MBA Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

Enroll in S-Next's MBA in Business Management, specializing in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence, to access a high-demand field globally,
especially in Germany. This program offers deep insights into data technology, applications, strategies, and data-driven decision-making in business contexts, covering both operational analysis and strategic planning. It also focuses on understanding corporate functions and implementing various tools for complex management challenges, equipping you with the skills for excellent management decisions.


MBA Digital Innovation & Business Transformation

Enroll in S-Next's master's in Digital Innovation & Business Transformation to become a leader in the digital era. This program addresses the
evolving demands of modern life and the critical need for digital transformation in businesses, whether established or startups. Learn to foster a data-driven culture using technologies like AI and Machine Learning, and stay ahead by understanding the impact of digital innovation and economics on business and society, making navigating modern business challenges more manageable.


MBA Digital Marketing

Enroll in the MBA specializing in Digital Marketing for an in-depth understanding of business strategies in the digital realm. This program
explores the business and societal impacts of digital marketing, preparing you to manage digital complexities effectively. It focuses on innovative strategies using technology for impactful marketing and sustainable growth. Ideal for those passionate about digital marketing, it involves market research, innovation, and consumer behavior analysis.


MBA General Management

If you're a professional who has climbed the career ladder without a bachelor’s degree, our one-year MBA program is tailored for you. It offers practical training and vital skills to enhance your business acumen, regardless of your academic background. This program bridges knowledge gaps and strengthens your foundation in management, empowering you with confidence and competence for career advancement.


MBA HR & Change Management

The MBA in HR & Change Management develops leadership in human capital and organizational innovation. Ideal for careers in
organizational consulting and personnel management, it integrates business fundamentals with HR strategies, focusing on strategic workforce planning, value-driven HR, and the psychology of leadership and change.


MBA Management & Innovation

Enroll in the Management & Innovation MBA to embark on a journey in business and innovation, with a focus on nurturing innovation in
organizations. This program equips you with dynamic skills for today's market, teaching adaptive strategies, product innovation, and driving growth. It's ideal for those keen on strategic management, offering insights into market needs, collaborative innovation, and diverse business models, preparing you for global business success.


MBA Sustainable Management

Our master's in Sustainable Management merges business with sustainability, focusing on long-term viability and ESG. It enhances knowledge across sectors and prepares you for sustainable business practices with essential business management skills and sustainability insights.


Voraussetzungen / Zulassung

Wir verstehen, dass die Entscheidung für ein Studium eine bedeutende Lebensentscheidung ist - und wir sind hier, um dich dabei zu unterstützen.

Wenn du diesen Schritt wagst, erwartet dich Folgendes:

  • 1. Unser erfahrenes Studienberatungsteam hat immer ein offenes Ohr für dich und beantwortet deine Fragen zu unserer Universität, zu Studiengängen, Finanzierung, Zulassung und vielem mehr. Sie sind immer für dich da!
  • 2. S-Next macht das Studium neben dem Beruf wirklich schaffbar. Wir vermitteln zukunftsträchtige Lehrinhalte mithilfe moderner Lernmethoden und beiten dir persönliche und individuelle Betreuung. Unser Ziel: Dich auf dein persönliches NEXT Level zu bringen! Unser Karriereentwicklungsprogramm hilft dir außerdem mit Tipps & Tricks, um edine Karriere weiterzuentwickeln.
  • 3. Wir unterstützen dich dabei, deine Fähigkeiten systematisch anzuwenden, zu entwickeln und auszubauen - damit du dich im beruflichen Wettbewerb positionieren kannst. Im Laufe des Studiums erfährst du durchweg Betreuung von unserem Projektcoaching-Team, das dich auch bei deiner Karriereplanung begleiten wird.

Teile Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices